We take care of your company’s numbers, while you grow your business
We take care of your company’s numbers, while you grow your business
Benefits to our customers

About VIOSER Consulting
VIOSER Consulting is a consulting company that goes beyond the basics to build a package of services that integrates professional expertise and modern technologies, necessary for both local and international companies that have decided to enter the market of the Republic of Moldova.
The motto of our company is “Missions accomplished to perfection”, having the objective to support the observance of the essential value of our company, namely the development of long-term partnerships through quality support.
Our services
Consulting services
- Tax consulting
- Tax Due Diligence
- Economic and financial diagnosis
- Organizational diagnosis
- Consulting in the liquidation of companies
Business setting up service
- Market analysis
- Feasibility studies
- Legal registration of companies
- Obtaining work residence permits in the Republic of Moldova
- Elaboration of Business Plans
Outsourcing services
- Accountancy
- HR and Occupational Safety and Health
- Evidence and calculation of salaries
Why our customers prefer to work with us
Confidentiality agreement
Experience with international companies
90% of the customers that we serve become permanent customers
Works executed within the established deadline
We guarantee 100% quality of services
Complex package of services
Need professional assistance?
We build long-term relationships with our customers
Pentru noi, cei de la A.O. ”GEN Moldova”, colaborarea cu ”VIOSER Consulting” SRL este o soluţie reală pentru gestionarea financiară a organizaţiei. Alături de noi avem profesionişti care ne susţin prin suportul acordat zi de zi şi ne oferă consultanţă în procesul decizional. Comunicarea atât cu Viorica cât şi cu membrii echipei este bazată pe claritate, loialitate şi credibilitate. Le mulţumim ”VIOSER Consulting” SRL pentru dedicaţia lor spre optimizarea continuă a serviciilor lor şi un parteneriat amiabil şi transparent.

Colaborarea noastră cu ”Vioser Consulting” SRL a fost foarte fructuoasă. Suntem foarte satisfăcuţi de calitatea serviciilor, disponibilitatea şi viteza de execuţie de care au dat dovadă. Recomandăm tuturor serviciile oferite de către ”Vioser Consulting” SRL.

I have been working with Viorica since 2009 when she was employed in my company in Chișinau, being responsible for managing a big IT project. Starting with 2015, "Micrologic Design Autmoation" Ltd. became her own company Client.
When looking for consulting company to launch a business, to run accountancy, to have financial and tax advises, I highly recommend "VIOSER Consulting" Ltd.. Their team is extremely professional and responsive to our needs, with a strong working capacity and high responsibility. They are one of the most client - focused organizations with whom we have worked and we would happily recommend "VIOSER Consulting" Ltd. to others looking for support in their business activities in Republic of Moldova.

It was a great pleasure to work with "Vioser Consulting" Ltd. and with Viorica Rumleanschi in particular. The services are provided on a high professional level, and the flexibility of the Management in finding the best and fastest solutions for the Client has been very much appreciated. I would definitely recommend "Vioser Consluting" Ltd. to any company which is interested in this type of services. Thanks a lot for our fruitful cooperation.

Our customers

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